Monday, September 14, 2009

Faces From The First Week of School

My friend lives with the mantra that “Life’s too short to have unflattering blackmail photos of yourself floating around.”

I suppose she’s right.

But when a 3 year old is taking the pictures, what’s a mom to do?

The bus came as scheduled last Tuesday and whisked two of my favorite little humans off to begin a new school year.  It’s always a bittersweet time for me; I’m excited that our kids have the opportunity to learn at a fantastic school with teachers who are absolutely committed to their craft–and to their students.  Yet the pangs that often come along with sentimentality stabbed at me as I watched them mount the bus stairs, turn to wave, and then drive off into the late summer haze.  I started crying!  Luckily my neighbors are in the same boat and we hugged and blotted our tears without shame.  Kleenex should consider pre-packaging a going-back-to-school kit for moms that includes tissues, new mascara, and a bottle of wine [for later, of course].  You’re on your own with all the old photo albums and size 18 month clothes that you dig up later to relive the memories, still crying, and uncorking the wine in the living room with your old VHS of Beaches playing in a loop in the background.

Anyway.  Blackmail.

So as I recuperated in the kitchen with my 3 year old and the dog, M suggested that I make funny faces for the camera which he was holding a frightening 6 inches from my face. Now I understand why all the female TV anchors have their panties in a bunch over HD digital television!  You practically have to be Barbie herself–or perhaps Kim Kardashian–to not look like the “before” photo in a midnight skincare infomercial.

With camera in hand, M proceeded to give me directions, and I think that, despite being terrifying, the pictures really capture my feelings for the day.  Take a look, and appreciate my willingness to forego conventional wisdom and actually post these on the *world* wide web.

Exhibit A:  Mom, how do you feel about J & A leaving for school and growing up so fast?

I'll be scheduling my neck-lift as soon as we get our tax refund...

Exhibit B:  Mom, demonstrate your emotions surrounding the issue of your youngest child preparing for preschool–which starts NEXT WEEK.  Are you feeling old yet?

Note the young photographer's interesting use of scale and angle. Now if we could do something about that face...

After our photo shoot, M and I had a fun day together visiting our local children’s museum and playing outside.  Even though it’s always a bit of an adjustment for me to get used to a quieter home, a different schedule, fewer mouths at the lunch table, it has been a blessing to bond with my special little man.

Moms out there– leave a comment and tell me how you’re adjusting to your kids being back at school!

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